
some other cool people from around the 'net! there's not very many atm bc my website is still pretty new :P

button leading to button leading to button leading to button leading to button leading to button leading to button leading to button leading to button leading to

feel free to use this button right here to link to my site!

thinking about joining the indie web?

beginner's guide to the indie web

w3schools, a huge documentation of html & css that allowed me to teach myself to code. nothing here would be possible without it.

someone else's free2use code to mess about with and learn to code on

free macos code editor that i use. has extended support, my 12 year old OS can run it

free & simple windows code editor

image, font, & code resources

the gifcities archive, an archive of every gif used on geocities before it died. i've gotten a lot of the gifs i have from here. just search a keyword and it'll show you gifs from sites related to that, or gifs that were named that. there's practically infinite stuff here.

many, many background tile textures

many, many more background tile textures

graphics site thats older than i am, also has background textures and a lot of other stuff

4,000 80 x 15 web badges. literally 4,000 of them. why would you need this? don't know

make glitter text :3 (works as of 9/23/24)
some fonts you can use on your site

CSS grid generator

fun & cool sites ive collected in my bookmarks over the years

first website ever :0

a huge digital monument to the old net. made with dozens and dozens of archived gifs from geocities. just go look at it. do it. CW: contains suggestive stuff in one section.

wigglypaint!! a very simple paint site program thingy used to create cool jiggly art

venture into the deep sea!

the evolution of trust. playtime: 20-30 minutes.

3d modeling site where you can pose & edit character models. shit saved my life this artfight im not even kidding

search engine for:


idk if i'll ever use it but i have a monklish (like from bloons) font saved on here? anyways it was made by u/random_nickname228 on reddit, here's where they posted it

seafoam blinkie made by @theletterh on artfight

the font used on SN0W's page is Code New Roman.