
8 ❄ he/it ❄ civilian

Half-Ice Monkey, half-Druid, and one-hundred-percent nervous ball of fluff, Cirrus is the fourth adopted child of Ember and Admiral Brickell.

Before Cirrus was ever able to be a child, it was a runaway, fleeing all it had ever known in the hopes of finding somewhere safe. But now, it lives safely in Monkeyopolis with its new parents, trying to make sense of a world that was never meant for it.

Cirrus is selectively mute - it loses all ability to communicate in situations that remind it of its trauma. It gets overwhelmed very easily, and tends to have violent, uncontrollable meltdowns when the pain gets to be too much.

Gender: Demiboy
Orientation: N/A
Birthday: January 11th, 2024
Allegiance: Civilian
Conditions: Autism, C-PTSD, and selective mutism
Old injuries: None
Theme: Ghost Towns - Radical Face


Cirrus is a distant, quiet child who prefers to be by itself. It feels most safe and at peace when it's alone, in dark, secluded places. Bit by bit, it's starting to warm up to Ember and Brickell, but after a long time of being horribly abused by its birth parents, it finds it difficult to trust anyone.

It's extremely attached to its cloak, and feels deeply unsafe without it - mostly due to its past, and knowing what it feels like to have its sense of safety stripped from it. Cirrus clings to whatever gives it feelings of comfort, familiarity, and security, most likely because it's so used to having everything turn upside down in an instant.






massive lore dump with subheadings, can be anywhere from 3 to 20 paragraphs go wild

Early Childhood (TW)
Section Title

a few paragraphs

Section Title

a few paragraphs

Section Title

a few paragraphs


Person's name

A few paragraphs talking about their relationship.

Person's name

A few paragraphs talking about their relationship.

Person's name

A few paragraphs talking about their relationship.


(loosely based off D&D stats)

Strength: 6

Dexterity: 3

Stamina: 9

Vitality: 11

Intelligence: 6

Wisdom: 6

Charisma: 4

Height: 4'0/120cm

Weight: 60 lbs.

Physique: Slightly chubby. Thick fur and Ice Monkey heritage gives Cirrus a very high cold tolerance.


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